Show Notes

How European Beauty Standards Differ From the U.S. — you'll be shocked! with Beverlee Botanicals Founder, Beverlee Felkner

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Beauty standards are not equal, especially when you cross the pond. For a long time, the European Standards have been superior and more scrupulous than those of the United States. But, do you know the specifics and the why behind it? We dig into those details and more in this interview with Beauty Expert, Beverlee Felkner.

Beverlee Botanical's Mission: Ending the control of big pharma and disease based thinking, using food as medicine and tapping into your regenerative abilities.

About our guest, Beverlee Felkner:
Beverlee is a true innovator in the American botanical beauty space. She has been in the beauty industry for over a decade, spending most of that time working at the top salons on 5th Avenue, always holding herself & her craft to the highest standards.

Receiving years of education in world class cities like New York and London, her worldly travels and intellectual curiosity inspired her to throughly study the European beauty market. 

Noticing their ingredients were of the purest origins, she then realized most of the luxury beauty products she used were similarly rich in industrial chemicals. She then began a course in Italy for the business of organic skincare, & it was there on the Amalfi Coast where the idea of Beverlee Botanicals was born.

With her new found love of nature, she wanted to build something more than just another anti-aging cosmetic line. A global brand with substance & values. A sustainable lifestyle brand with a holistic self-care approach. Designed to promote synergy & beauty - internally & externally. 

She then returned to Manhattan, where she spent years formulating & testing her flagship product Boujee Butter.

IG: @beverlee_botanicals

About the Host: 

Sara Quiriconi is an actress, artist, entrepreneur and creative storyteller, inspired and driven to empower others to be resilient, never settle, live well and live free. 

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